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On UK orders over £75.
Vehicle lighting
Any vehicle working on the highway must be fitted with a number of beacons and/or lightbars and additional repeater warning lights where required (particularly for larger vehicles where visibility may be impaired, or for traffic management vehicles).
As a minimum you will require;
A roof-mounted flashing amber warning lightbar (comprising at least two independent light sources) or two independent roof-mounted flashing amber warning beacons, visible through 360°.
Roof-mounted flashing amber warning beacons must comply with the requirements of the Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations and should also comply with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Regulation 65 on Special Warning Lamps.
If the main roof-mounted beacon is likely to be obscured from the rear by parts of the vehicle or any equipment carried on the vehicle, additional lighting should be fitted toward the rear of the vehicle where they will remain visible.
Vehicle markings
Part 2, Section 5.2 of the Chapter 8 regulations state that in addition to vehicles being of a conspicuous colour, vehicles should be fitted with the following markings;